Thank you to Nick Lanzi, Direct Choice for hosting the Roundtable on Tuesday and thanks to all the wonderful BCA members that spent the afternoon with us. Personal obstacles and fears…..seems like we all got ‘em! Here are takeaways from the Roundtable.
- Public speaking is the #1 fear of business executives – who knew??
- Find some assistance to help with your speaking fears; Toastmasters, acting class, speaking coach
- Loosen up the crowd
- Be yourself
- Focus on how you present rather than the content
- Remember the 5 Bs; Be Brief Brother Be Brief (Thanks Bob Kane)
And thanks Nick, for telling a great story of what Direct Choice is capable of. I know it was really helpful for your fellow BCA family as they work on ways to help you.
Remember to see if you can find ways to help your fellow BCA members…no matter how small.
Keep Building