
Roundtable Recap | MatchPoint

Thanks again to Criag Weintraub for hosting the round table and processing a great topic! It was also nice to hear about some of the things you do that many of us many not know about – BODY FAT REMOVAL?? Who knew?!?!

Some take-aways from our topic of growth challenges and strategies:

  • Find a Coach – you need the accountability.
  • Identify different potential growth areas.
  • Check into a Goldman-Sachs type program.
  • Let go and get out of the way.
  • Whale hunt.
  • Assess your strengths, assess your team – can they do it?
  • Work in ‘intentionality’.
  • Pick five things you think you can’t do and work on doing one!
  • Make sure all your systems and processes are set and working.
  • Find the weaknesses and fix them now.

A couple of reading suggestions:

The Ideal Team Player – Patrick Lencioni

Extreme Ownership – Jocko Willing & Leif Babin

Harvard Business Review