
#Shoutout to Ralph, Anthony Mongeluzo and Chuck Polin

Member-to-Member “Shout Out” 
from Marc Sinkow of Synch-O LLC

A huge shout out to Ralph, Anthony, and Chuck.

First, Ralph, for his outstanding ongoing relationship skills.  Ralph maintained our friendship for the period of time which I was not a BCA member. He has always been there in support of me.   Thank you, Ralph.

Second, Anthony and I had the desire to build our relationship and spent time together in order to do so. By gaining a keener understanding of what each other does, we have found avenues in which to be supportive of one another. Thank you, Anthony.

Finally, Chuck, whom I had worked with previously several years ago. We reengaged in May 2016. As it is important to practice what one preaches, coaches need coaches.  Under his tutelage and accountability calls I have enhanced my skills. Thank you, Chuck.

All of the above would not have occurred without my involvement with BCA.


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The Member-to-Member Shout Out is a segment of our blog that allows BCA members to make a public statement of appreciation, recognition or gratitude. If you’d like to personally give a shout out to a fellow member, simply click here to shoot us an email.