Are you struggling to find the perfect gifts for your friends and family? The solution is simple, Make a Donation in honor of a loved one and Give the Gift of Life!
In honor of two loved ones who recently passed, Mary Pat Kessler of BCA, is cultivating awareness to raise enough funding for a permanent garden at the Gift of Life Family House in Philadelphia. It will be a beautiful, peaceful space to sit or pray. In exchange of a store bought item you can give the Gift of Life, Click Here to learn more, or make a donation of any size to help Mary Pat reach her ultimate goal.
Click more to see fun photos of Mary Pat (who ran in honor of Sara and Paul) and others from the most recent Philadelphia Marathon.
Photos Include: Philadelphia’s Mayor Nutter (whom Mary Pat has offered to personally train for the Rothman 8K), Pennsylvania Gov. Elect, Tom Wolf and Olympian, Bill Rogers, as well as our very own Keith Baldwin of Spike’s Trophies and Casey McCrudden of BCA.