Steve McClatchy wows at the July BCA Hospitality Breakfast

It was a great morning with at the July BCA Hospitality Breakfast. Our guest speaker, Steve McClatchy had us all jotting down notes and thinking about how we live our lives. A special thank you to Steve Jeffries for introducing his Uncle to BCA. Below are some highlights from this morning.

  • You find balance when you find excitement in what your doing
  • Burn out is absence of the excitement that would come from the happiness of improvement 
  • It’s the ”don’t have to do’s” that produce the biggest results

Share your biggest take away in the comments below


The BCA Board of Advisors recently approved Matt Mink to be recognized as an official Decision Maker within the OneDigital BCA Membership. We congratulate and welcome Matt BCA Decision Maker Family.


We all know BCA is a very special group, and any future members will certainly mirror that. What does future new members and the growth of BCA only happens to the passion of our members. Especially now as we work to transform our BCA community into a more equitable and diverse one, we welcome and encourage your help in growing BCA; Your Health and introducing BCA to other amazing business leaders. because as we grow we all benefit.
Focus Categories

Moving & Storage
Travel Agency
Waste Management


BCA is currently accepting applications in the Telecommunications Category until July 29th.

We welcome recommendations in this or any open membership category*. Contact Ralph Cosenza, 215-837-5914 or

*Full list of available categories available upon request or on the BCA website.


Turning Points for Children is an innovative social services agency that has been in existence for more than 185 years. As a subsidiary of Public Health Management Corporation, our clients have access to a comprehensive continuum of care. We provide social services to more than 9,000 vulnerable individuals, and resources to to 17,000 children and adults through our emergency food and panty program. To learn more, visit:

Thank you to the eight members and guests who participated in the graphic recording by submitting their answer to the question ” what is one thing in life if you’d like to accomplish or experience or achieve that you haven’t yet“