“The Big One” CertaPro Painters Main Line Cigar Mojo Event

Chris Drucquer of CertaPro Painters MAIN LINE invites you to join him for casual conversation with an intimate group at Cigar Mojo in KOP on second Thursday of every month from 4:30pm-7:30pm. The first event will take place on September 8th. Chris will provide 2 bundles of cigars and at least 2 fine scotches and 2 bourbons.

Typically mostly outdoors (large outdoor patio)

Feel free to bring anything YOU want to drink (BYO), but if you want to smoke a cigar other than what they supply please purchase through Cigar Mojo (great selection).

Invite friends – if you have more than 1 joining us, feel free to bring a interesting bottle of whiskey to share 😊

Click Here for complete details on the event and other upcoming events hosted by CertaPro Painters Main Line.