Craig Weintraub’s (MatchPoint Consulting Group) son Sam Weintraub, has started a club at school called Shalom Stoga. One of the missions of Shalom Stoga is to raise awareness and money for charities that benefit our community. As you know, one of our BCA Family members has lost a child. Aidan Heron and Craig’s son Sam had been friends since elementary school as well as bunkmates at camp and ski trips. He, like all of us were deeply saddened by his untimely loss. Sam was compelled to help…so he created the wrist bands with the words STOGA STRONG PIONEERS FOR LIFE. The wristbands are available with a minimum donation of $5. The wristbands are currently available for the students of Conestoga High School. 100% of the profits will be donated in honor of Aidan Heron . A Venmo account has been set up called Shalom Stoga and payments can be taken there.
Sam Weintraub will also be selling these bracelets at the BCA January Speaker Reception hosted by Sabre Systems, Inc.
Click here to join the Shalom Stoga Club page on Facebook.