Thanks to all of you who came out to ETA’s Round Table, instead of golfing, on such a gorgeous day! Thanks to Ed, Bill and Craig for being gracious hosts and educating us on who ETA is and how we can help them.
The topic that was chosen was impactful, educational and emotional and your participation was amazing. Thank you. Learning more about who we really are is an important step in building our relationships and taking them to the next level. Joe, Scott and Tim, you chose a great Round Table as your first one!
Some take-aways:
- The only thing stopping you is you.
- Show me your friends and I will show you you – surround yourself with good people.
- Throw it out to the Universe – it will happen.
- If you want to get to know someone – make it a focus, have a plan, execute it.
- Don’t lose touch with those important to you – schedule time to be together.
- Competitors can be your best friends to push you harder or help you learn.
- Be a mentor, emulate greatness, believe in people, listen, care.
- Million $$ Women – Julia Pimsler.
- Scaling Up – Verne Harnish.
Reach for the Gold. Everyone has it in them. You just have to want it.