Thank you so much to Brandon and Heather Steiger, of 2120 Creative, for hosting your Roundtable and choosing to lead with generosity as your topic. You gave us a great insight into what 2120 is and does and had some great party gifts as well! I think graphically showing the BCA Members that play in the marketing world helped the group better understand who does what, when, and how.
As promised, here is a list of how you can help your fellow Members with a ‘free loan’ if you don’t yet have the ‘money’ in your ‘account’.
I think without exception, all of you just want to meet good people but here are some more refined asks/elephants:
Karen: Owners or DOMs and would love to crack into Comcast/Comcast Business
Joe: Opened minded C-Level DMs experiencing ‘pain’ with their fleets or any company that uses cars as their ‘tools’. Would love to have some positive recommendations for the company Tozour Trane in KofP
Steve:Accountants, Bankers, Attorneys and Trusted Advisors. North Star Veterinary and other businesses that have multiple locations.
John:C-Level Execs at companies that want engagement and increased productivity in their employees; anyone that manages a team and has a budget for T&D. Comcast is on his wish list for introductions.
Matt:A Local Dentist (I think he got two already), an 11 year old goalie and Deposits from cash rich businesses; Lawyers, Title Companies, Property Managers in small to mid-sized companies.
Paul:Just two things; a better understanding of what they do and what that could do for you, and some folks that just want to buy some damn ad space!
Dave:Apartment and Condo Owners/Managers, Architects, Developers and GCs. An intro to Securitas would be fantastic.
Brandon:CTDI and Wawa intros would make him happy.
At the end of the Roundtable, the request was made from all of you to send around your ‘introduction’ to the group so, when making those intros to good people, they get it right. Please do that sooner than later while this is still fresh in your mind.