Bird Bird Bird…Bird is the word!

What a great group we had for Team Builder’s Round Table. Thank you Jeff and Amy for hosting and providing a fun environment and a wonderful lunch. It was wonderful seeing all of the different ‘birds’ in the room.

Some of us (who shall remain nameless…) didn’t make ANY money in the arm wrestling exercise while some of you fared quite well! Great ice-breaker to start the discussion of the wonderful programs Team Builders offers.
Retaining Winning Talent comes down to:

  • Flexibility 
  • Creating pathways 
  • Employee engagement 
  • Good communication
  • Transparency
  • Following through and
  • Holding yourself accountable for what you say you will do.

It was unanimous that the culture of a positive environment where people feel encouraged, worthwhile and motivated to do their best, comes from the top position in the company. I’m sure our speaker on Friday will touch on many of those things we talked about.