Kelly and I have known Tim and Pattie Malloy for close to 30 years. Sadly Pattie passed away last year after several years battling brain cancer. Her husband Tim started Pattie’s Journey to raise money which will be used to continue the fight against this horrible disease. They are having an auction of donated gifts that are pretty amazing thanks to Tim’s relationship with the Philadelphia 76ers and his lifetime friendship with Joe Vitt one time defensive coordinator of the New Orlean Saints.
Below is a link to what is available in the auction I thought if we can share this info with our BCA family some may be interested in bidding our buying the memorable or experiences. Please let me know what you need from me but below is a brief description from Tim Malloy along with a link to the online auction.
The purpose of the Pattie’s Journey auction is to raise funds to underwrite critically needed research that will deliver more effective treatment options for brain tumor patients. This undertaking is proudly done in memory of Pattie Malloy who passed away after a seven-year challenging journey that included three long and painful surgeries and countless hours of physical and mental therapy. Many brain tumor patients and their families sadly learn that once surgery is no longer a viable option because of the tumor’s location, quite often the treatments offered patients are experimental and listed as compassionate use drugs. The Malloy family is Blessed with the gift of no regret in their efforts to save Pattie because she received skilled medical care and the best treatment medicine currently available. But more needs to be done; and the organized efforts of Pattie’s Journey will make a meaningful contribution to this goal.
Link to the online auction https://www.32auctions.com/PattiesJourney2022