
A Note From the Grimaldi’s

Hello Family, Friends and Associates. It was 7 years ago this past December 10th that Gene’s bleloved cousin and friend, Robert passed away from pancreatic cancer.  

We would be honored to have you join us to celebrate his memory and raise money for pancreatic cancer research on Friday, September 21st, our 7th Annual Team Arnone Dinner Dance Benefit from 7 to 11 p.m.

Last year, we had a great event with over 220 people where we raised $15,000 that was added to the total of $22,000 for Team Arnone for the Philly Pancan Walk! Team Arnone has raised $167,000 for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network since 2007, together we will wage hope and change the future of this disease. Too many loved ones we know have passed from this deadly cancer.

Thank you,

Gene & Marie Grimaldi

7th Annual Team Arnone Fundraiser

In Memory of Robert Arnone 

To BenefitThe Pancreatic Cancer Action Network & Team Arnone in PurpleStride Philadelphia 2018

Friday, September 21, 2018   7:00 – 11:00pm

New Location – The Emerald Ballroom

14002 McNulty Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154

 $55 for adults

$20 for kids 7-17, kids under 7 are free

 Catering by Mario’s ~ Beer ~ Vino ~ DJ  Jim Seravalli ~ Raffles (Adults & Kids) ~ 50/50

Please click here to sign up by 9/14/2018, tickets will be going fast!