Affinity Groups

affinity [uhfin-i-tee]:of or relating to persons who share the same interests; a feeling of closeness and understanding that someone has for another person because of similar qualities, ideas, or interests.

Affinity groups are formed on an on-going, rolling basis by members. We see groups popping up all the time, in fact, we encourage it! This section will address best practices and tips for starting an Affinity Group.

What are Affinity Groups?

  • Optional subgroups within BCA formed around a shared interest or common bond.
  • Created and managed solely by BCA members
  • Made up of members who’ve been invited and formally commit to the guidelines of that particular group
  • Full ownership of the groups lies with the members, BCA is NOT involved in creation, vision or execution
  • Participation in official groups is limited to BCA members only. Must be an employee at a Member company to participate.
  • Should a subgroup desire, they May become officially recognized by BCA
    • Must meet certain criteria and requirements
    • Receive benefits
  • Many “subgroups” exist within BCA, but are not officially recognized as an BCA Affinity Group. Any existing or future “subgroup” may choose to remain an unofficial affinity or subgroup
  • Click here for a list of the current Officially Recognized BCA Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups vs Small Groupings

Affinity groups are on-going, with the same group of committed people. Small groups are one-time gatherings

Becoming Officially Recognized

If your subgroup would like to become officially recognized by BCA, please read Section 3 (Becoming Officially Recognized) of the Affinity Group Guide.

For more information on Affinity Groups in general, you can click here for the full Helpful Guide the Affinity Groups or you can contact Joleen Jaworski at anytime.