Last year BCA’s March Madness Event raised over $12,500 for Coaches vs. Cancer. With your help, we will exceed that number in 2020! We hope you will consider helping us raise money for this great organization.
This year we are trying something new. We ask that you get creative and rally your entire office, or collaborate with fellow members, in customizing cool themed gift baskets valued at $500 for the auction. Your donated gift basket will be used as part of the ticket auction held on-site at the BCA March Madness Event. 100% of the proceeds from the auction directly benefit the Philadelphia chapter of Coaches vs. Cancer.

The deadline to commit is Friday, February 7, 2020 and the deadline for delivery is Friday, February 28, 2020. For more information, click here or contact Celeste Bach at (267) 884-6251 or, or Anira Jones at (267) 298-6292 or