Early in the COVID Pandemic, BCA pledged to keep your health and safety as our top priority. We also pledged to continue to operate with full transparency and keep you updated. As we move into reopening phases (and can hopefully stay in reopening phases), we are sharing our transition plans and safety guidelines.
Guidelines and regulations are changing on a daily basis, therefore these transition plans may change at anytime.
- If you have a fever or any symptoms of COVID-19, STAY HOME, do not attend any in-person gathering.
- Attendees must maintain at least six feet (6’) distance
- AT PENNSYLVANIA LOCATIONS: Face masks must be worn by all attendees
- AT NEW JERSEY LOCATIONS: Face masks are highly recommended, but not required, as long as 6ft social distancing is maintained.
- The COVID Comfort Level wristbands must be worn and must be respected*
- At every BCA experience, we will have sanitizing spray, individual hand sanitizer, and disposable face masks for attendees if needed.
- All event staff will be provided with and wear a face mask (and gloves if handling food, beverage or money)
- For the time being, name tags will NOT be used
When appropriate, BCA experiences (for the foreseeable future) will include the option to attend virtually or in-person (logistically this will not be possible for all experiences). These options will be indicated on the RSVP.
Beginning in June, we will slowly begin to reintroduce in-person experiences, within the following guidelines:
Indoor Environments smaller than 10 people (such as Roundtables)
- Locations must fit current State guidelines for indoor gatherings
- Locations must be able to accommodate up-to 10 people with enough space for at least 6 ft social distancing to be observed
- Attendees must maintain at least six feet (6’) distance when arriving and when seated.
- Face masks must be worn by all attendees when arriving, and while socializing or getting food etc.
- Once seated (at least 6 feet apart) face masks may be removed
- The COVID Comfort Level wristbands must be worn and must be respected*
Outdoor environments where enough space is afforded for proper social distancing and air circulation.
- (Effective 7/1/20 in PA) Masks Are Mandatory in All Public Spaces. Masks must now be worn whenever anyone leaves home.
- Maintain a 6ft distance between you and other attendees
- There shall be no contact between attendees
- Face masks are always highly recommended, but not required, as long as 6ft social distancing is maintained. Except in PA, where face coverings are mandatory.
- Face masks must be worn if going inside a building (for instance, to use to restroom)
- The COVID Comfort Level wristbands must be worn and must be respected*
*COVID Comfort Level Wristbands
When at any in-person gathering, Attendees will be asked to wear a color-coded wristband to communicate their COVID Comfort Level. Please respect the comfort level of your fellow Members as we transition to in-person gatherings.
BCA will have a selection of wristbands available upon arrival at in-person gatherings. We ask members to keep their wristband upon leaving and wear at the next event. If a wristband is forgotten or comfort level changes, additional wristbands will be available.