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Community Circles – Dates Announced

Hosted by the Board of Advisors, Powered by the BCA Community

Last week we announced the launch of Community Circles. The schedule of Community Circles for the 1st and 2nd quarter have been released. We hope all Decision Makers can join the discussion at one of our “Circles”! Look for official invitation coming to your inbox soon…

  • February 15, 2017 @ Gibbons PC | Co-host Alan Gries
  • February 28, 2017 @ Passehl Financial Services, Northwestern Mutual | Co-host Geoff Passehl
  • March 29, 2017 – Location TBD
  • April 12, 2017 @ McMahon Automotive | Co-host Joe McMahon
  • April 19, 2017 @ ProShred Security | Co-hosts Ginny Heron-Doerr and Geoff Passehl 
  • April 25, 2017 @ Allied Mortgage | Co-host Wendy Monaco
  • May 3, 2017 – Location TBD
  • May 23, 2017 @ Kistler Tiffany Benefits | Co-host Shawn Orenstein

We are very excited to bring you this series of powerful experiences to help you further your relationships and your membership value.  They are a great way to keep abreast of all that’s going on within BCA and can continue to have a platform to share, collaborate and give feedback.  Click here to learn more about Community Circles