Great Team and Community Help TGI Persevere During the Crisis

When Jack Glacken first heard about the Coronavirus in mid-February, he wasn’t sure what to believe. Jack, president of TGI (Today’s Graphics, Inc.) in Philadelphia, is a “glass half-full” kind of guy, so he tried not to focus on the negative. But on March 19, his son, Jack III, saw the tweet that the Governor was closing all non-essential businesses. (Jack III and his brother Francis work with their father at TGI; brother Joseph is also in the print industry near Baltimore.) 

“That’s when we got serious,” says the elder Jack. “We have a bunch of people in our company who are fighters — people who give it all they’ve got. Right away they were saying, ‘We can’t close.’”

Read full article on how Jack turned things around to stay afloat during unprecedented times.