Hello, Well, it’s been a full month or more since we were all sent home to “shelter in place” and “social distance”, phrases that were only marginally understood a short while ago. And, boy, is the world a different place! We have gone from being angry about lost business and lay-offs, to a general acceptance that this is affecting everyone, to an understanding that this is serious and we all need to do what we can to see it through. And then the ultimate notion dawned on us…there are people out there risking their lives every day to try to guarantee the health and safety of you, me, our families and our friends. People who got thrust into this without much choice but with a dedication that is nothing short of heroic. And the American people did what the American people do… they are stepping up to support them by manufacturing and donating PPE, providing meals for front line workers, sharing whatever resources they have available to thank and comfort those in harm’s way.We here at Advanced Staging Productions want to do our small part in assisting this effort. To that end, we are asking all of you to join us in donating blood to the Red Cross through our online blood drive – Advanced 4 Life. The gift of life is one that is always needed but especially now with hospital resources being stretched to the max. We will make a monetary donation to the Red Cross for each donor and that will be increased if you post a photo on social media and doubled if we reach our goal of 100 donors. The details are in the link so please…help us help…and see us all through to better days.Thank you, be healthy, stay safe and God bless. Donate Today! Steve Wildemann President & Owner |