Introducing Member Photos on the Portal: Your Suggestions, Our Action!

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of a brand-new feature on our Member Portal that many of you have been waiting for—Member Photos! You can see the photos on the Member Detail page for each Member company, under the Activation Team section.

We understand the importance of community and how essential it is for our members to put a face to the names they interact with. We’ve been listening to your feedback and suggestions, and the resounding demand was clear: You wanted the ability to see member photos. We’re excited to tell you, we listened!

The New Feature: How It Works

To view the photos, just log in to the Member Portal and go to any Member Company Page. From there, scroll down to the Activation Team section, and voila! You will now see the faces of your fellow BCA family.

Provide Feedback

We value your input and look forward to rolling out even more easy-to-use features, exclusive content and value-added features in the months ahead.  Continuously improving the overall membership experience is what we strive for, so keep the suggestions and input coming! Feel free to email us at anytime to share your thoughts and suggestions.