Hello BCA:
You are officially invited to the Spike’s Promo Tailgate Party on September 30th from 10AM-1PM (rain date October 1st). As you can see below this event is outside (in our front parking lot), stressing all proper virus protection. Temperatures will be taken. Mask wearing is mandatory. We will be spacing out the vendors so we will avoid any log jams while checking out the latest in promotional items for employee or customer gifts.
We believe now, more than ever, it is important to let your team know that you are thinking of them and appreciate them. We’ll have a number of ideas and samples of logoed or personalized product that will allow you to do this. This is also great opportunity for you to get out of the office, or home, get some fresh air and frankly get a little slice of “normal”. We’ve held our show for the last 20 years and we didn’t want to stop now! Our suppliers have held these shows all over the mid-Atlantic with great success.
As you can see below, we are again offering FREE Uber transportation to and from the event. Please let me know if you want to take advantage of that.
Please consider coming out and joining us. We would love to see you!
Our corporate address is 2701 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19114.
PLEASE RSVP to Keith @ kbaldwin@gospikes.com by end of day Friday, September 25th
Please let me know. Hope to see you! Should be FUN with some great ideas! 🙂
Stay Safe!