It was a great morning at the October BCA Hospitality Breakfast.Special thank you to Jay Wright who reminded us about some very important core values.
- “Surround yourself with those on the same mission as you”
- ”Everyone’s role is different but everyone’s status is the same”
- Recognize when anyone does something selfless for the team/ organization
- Your actions show where your mind is
- Spend more time evaluating your daily commitment to your core values than evaluating your results
- Don’t let the world tells you what is right, don’t listen to the outside world, know your core values are stick to them
Today we welcomed Phoenix Business Solutions, Erin and Joe Kiss to the BCA Family. They exclusively represent the Solar PV Systems Category

The BCA FANS IN THE STANDS installation, created in partnership with Today’s Graphics, represented over 100 Decision Makers from all our BCA member companies. We are so grateful for our Members loyalty, so we wanted to show it off!
We can’t wait to see where your cut-out spends their day. Post and use the hashtag
#bcaproud #bcafansinthestands

The Breathing Room Foundation was founded in 1997 with one simple goal: to provide local families with the same grace, respect, and care that Founder Diane Fitzgerald, experienced during her six-year battle with cancer. Over the past 25 years, BRF has served more than 15,000 families. Visit for more details. Thanks to Haefele Flanagan for introducing us to The Breathing Room Foundation.
BCA is continuously looking to expand its exclusive membership list; focusing on finding the best quality companies to represent each category within our membership. We welcome recommendations in these focus or an open membership category. Contact Ralph Cosenza. 215-837-5914 or
- Architect (deadline for applications: 10/31/22)
- Exterminator
- Janitorial
- Moving & Storage
- Property Management
- Staffing
- Waste Management
- Website (deadline for applications: 10/31/22)