December 14, 2021 – BCA Philadelphia, LLC, the pioneer in Relationship Marketing, is pleased to announce the appointment of Keith Baldwin to its Board of Advisors.
Keith, who currently serves as Chief Relationship Officer at Spikes Trophies, joined our BCA Family in 2007. He quickly became an integral part of BCA, always leading with generosity, but during the pandemic Keith’s selflessness and generosity became even more evident. He was tested right from the outset of the pandemic, but his true character shined through, he jumped into action to help his employees, his team, his colleagues and fellow BCA members during some very difficult times. His actions were inspiring and only increased the respect we all have for him. Keith is also a newly minted author. His book, “A Leap Year of Firsts” just hit stores only two shorts weeks ago, we encourage you to check it out!
“Keith has been an incredibly respected business leader in our region for decades,” said Joleen Jaworski, President of BCA. “ He is masterful at building and maintaining relationships. It’s that experience, along with his selflessness and respect for the BCA culture, that we know will be immensely valuable to our BCA Board and Membership.”
Keith’s appointment to the Board reflects BCA’s commitment to the adherence of high level corporate governance standards and its continuing charge to protect the integrity of BCA and all its exclusive Members.
Click here to learn more about BCA’s leadership. If you ever have interest in becoming a part of BCA’s leadership, on the Board of Advisors or other, please talk to any of the BCA team.