Thanks to Vince Stango and the National Constitution Center for hosting the BCA Roundtable yesterday. The topic of “Leading in times of Change” was very interesting and engaging. Thanks to all the BCA Members who attended and shared their top Leadership tips. Some of those tips included:
- Stay true to your strategic plan
- Take a moment and “step back” and recognize your accomplishments
- Change is inevitable, Keep working at it- It is hard in the beginning, but you begin to see the Results
- Communication, internal, external is critical during change

Pictured above:
Jeannine Stuart- Areufit, Shawn Orenstein-KTB, Steve Hoagland- All In One, Phil Jaurigue-Sabre Systems, Vince Stango- NCC, Mark Formica-fmi direct, Gary Krapf-Krapfs Coaches, Jim Geier- HCCP, Geoff Passehl= Northwestern Mutual, Kerry Sautner- NCC