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It’s All About Strong Company Culture! #BCAProud

Thank you for sharing your morning with us. Coleman Peterson energetically shared with us so many great tips and insights on how to build a strong company culture in the workplace. Below are some keynotes from Coleman, regarding how to be a leader of creating a strong company culture.

  • Sets example
  • Rewards desired behaviors
  • Makes heroes out of their best behavior modelers
  • Tells Stories about the culture keepers (and encourages others to do so)

Charity Spotlight

Thank you again, Stewart Anmuth, for nominating Simon’s Heart as March Breakfast’s Charity Spotlight.

Their mission is to save the life of one child . . . and then another, by raising awareness about conditions that lead to sudden cardiac arrest and death.

We accomplish our mission by taking a DIRE approach.

Detection. We need to discover these conditions before they take our children. We screen our children’s eyes and ears in school, why don’t we screen their hearts?

Innovation. There is little focus and few resources dedicated to sudden cardiac arrest in children. By leveraging technology, we can promote research chain of survival, which includes 911, CPRAED device.

Education. Sudden cardiac arrest is not just an adult thing. There are warning signs. We need to make sure that pediatricians, coaches, parents and students know them.


Want to be the next member to donate?

Click here to donate directly to the Coaches Vs. Cancer #500DOLLARCHALLENGE !


Next Up on the Speaker Series Line Up

Phil Hansen

As always, don’t forget to share your photos from tonight by tagging @BCAPhilly and #BCAProud on Instagram and Twitter.