We are #BCAProud and sharing member news! BCA member, Nina Scimenes of Brle Catering is being inducted as the next President of Philadelphia Public Relations(PPRA). Nina is a BCA Ambassador and has been the Communications and Marketing Manager at Brle for the past four years and has been an instrumental part in the company’s growth focusing on public relations, social media and branding. She is a longtime member of PPRA and in her role as PPRA she will be giving back to the association the helped her early on in her career.
Her PPRA presidency will kick-off at a special event on June 5th with keynote speaker, Tarana Burke, founder of the ‘me too.’ movement. Burke will share stories that demonstrate the power of public relations. You may remember her for the cover of a recent TIME cover being recognized as one of the people of the year in 2017 with the group ‘The Silence Breakers.’ Well, you may not know that she has Philadelphia ties and that is why she was invited to be a special guests.
Click here for tickets to the event and support our BCA member, or contact Nina with questions directly at nina@brulee-catering.com.