Thanks to Geoff Passehl and Northwestern Mutual for hosting our Roundtable yesterday. The topic of “Start with why why.. exploring how leaders can inspire cooperation, trust and change within their organization” was very informative and engaging. Some take aways were as follows…
- Define your why first and get your employees on board
- Passion drives they Why.. communicate your passion to your constituents.
- They why is in the inspiration
- Surround yourself with the smartest people in the business
- People are far less sensitive to price when value is being delivered.
Top- Geoff Passhel-Northwestern Mutual, Brian Mann- The OMNIA Group, Jim Doerr- Proshred Security, Ed Hutchinson- Hutchinson Mechanical, Mark Lawson- Premier Pharmacy, Paul Blake-Greater Media Radio, Larry Cohen- Brulee Catering
Bottom-Mitch Weinstein- Kelleher Associates, Lisa Formica-fmi direct, Keith Baldwin-Spikes Trophies, Bruce Rickert- Peak Performance