Roundtable Hosted by Advanced Staging Productions; Career Day #BCAProud @AdvancedStaging

A big thank you to Steve Wildemann from Advanced Staging Productions who hosted yesterday’s Roundtable with a fun Topic – Career Day, and Happy Hour format. The ASP Roundtable was the perfect venue to strengthen BCA Relationships and share stories about personal hopes and dreams. Many members recapped their career paths and how they became who they are today. Thanks to all the members who contributed to the discussion, we applaud your candid input. Remember, Always be Authentic!

Pictured Here Left to Right: Mary Pat Kessler, Casey McCrudden – BCA, Steve Wildemann – ASP, Dave Czarnecki – CzarStar, Vince Stango – NCC, David Horowitz – Young Adjustment, Sam Stroback – Today’s Systems, Lisa Formica – FMI, Lou Rodriguez – Rodriguez Consulting, Cheryl Bode – Farmstead Gourmet, Mark Lawson – Premier Pharmacy, Gene Grimaldi – OMNIA Architects.