
Roundtable Recap | Balance: Work & Life

Thank you Tom and Michelle, from Delco Development, for hosting the group at your roundtable.  It was wonderful to hear about the history of Delco, how far you have come and your plans for the future.  Thanks also for the office tour.  You can tell you really care about your staff and are thoughtful about making sure there is balance where possible!

The topic of Work/Life Balance was perfect for the audience as all of you struggle daily with the this.  Some great thoughts that came out of this were:

  • Family First.
  • Just say NO or protect your YESes!
  • Stay away from or limit Social Media.
  • Take care you YOU.
  • Find an accountability partner/group to help and make sure they are the right ones!
  • Manage your time like you manage your business.
  • Don’t have your email on your phone.
  • Take baby steps.  You can’t change all of your habits overnight.
  • Learn to let go of more but don’t totally take your eye off the ball.
  • Stop trying to fix everything and determine what’s fixable and what’s not.  Let go what’s not.
  • Outline your expectations so that others can be empowered with your vision.
  • Worry is a useless emotion.
  • Positive affirmations, vision boards, journaling.
  • Meditation Apps:  Mindfulness, Insight Timer, Simply Being.

Some books to read:

  • The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
  • The Power of Intention  by  Wayne  Dyer

Remember:  If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change! It is not rocket science and no one is going to die!!!

As always, keep your BCA friends in mind as you lead with generosity and learn how you can help them!!