Thank you Chris Earley, from Liberty Inspection Group for hosting the Round Table this week. Also, thanks to Ryan Dugan from American Executive Centers for allowing us to use his Malvern facility.
It was great to hear about some of the things you do that others may not know about. It just reinforces the fact that it takes a while to really know what someone does, and then some!
Chris was looking to our BCA Brain Trust for information and advice on how best to scale a business. You didn’t disappoint!
Some take-aways:
- Make it recession proof.
- You can’t be everything to everybody. Pick what’s profitable and appropriate and don’t look back.
- Take the long view…it’s a marathon – not a sprint and you need to have a vision of where you want to be.
- Look to your processes and systems and make sure they are in place and can grow with you.
- Look at your staff – can they do it? What do they need? Listen to them…they know more about what they do than you do.
- Stay close to your clients.
- Develop and maintain relationships. (sounds familiar)
- Grow by acquisition if it makes sense.
- Concentrate on what makes money.
All good advice.
Thanks for showing up, sharing and caring.
Remember our upcoming events, most especially March Madness.
Get your invitations out soon and plan for a fantastic day!