Thank you Safian & Rudolph for a great Roundtable. This morning’s Roundtable was hosted by our favorite jewelers, Hy and Richie Goldberg of Safian & Rudolph Jewelers. The topic of How to Motivate Employees through different compensation structures was very thought provoking. Safian & Rudolph has the “trust factor” and a company culture that truly is one of the most valuable assets in the diamond industry. From a social media campaign to business development suggestions, thank you to all the members who put effort into today’s discussion. Congratulations again Hy and Richie for your continued success you deserve it!

Pictured from left to right: Heather Steiger – Synergema, Paul Becker – DDP, Richie Goldberg – Safian & Rudolph, Lonnie Barish – NAP, Nick Pody – H.C. Pody Company, Carl Fischer – CamaPlan, Mitch Wienick – Kelleher, Jim Geier – HCCP, Hy Goldberg – Safian & Rudolph