Generously made possible by the Daniel B. & Florence E. Green Foundation and Firstrust Bank, Firstrust is pleased to once again present the Samuel A. Green Scholarship Award Program! The Scholarship Program was named in loving memory of our Founder and my grandfather, Samuel A. Green, who was a staunch believer in everyone’s right to pursue a college education. In the spirit of his legacy, we are inspired to carry on his strong commitment to the youth in our communities. Please share this scholarship program with your favorite high school senior and encourage them to fulfill their dreams of a college education. In Samuel A. Green’s honor, we will be granting $140,000 in academic scholarships to college-bound, high school seniors as follows: Three (3) Top Winners to Receive $10,000 Each Five (5) 2nd Place Winners – $7,500 Each Seven (7) 3rd Place Winners – $5,000 Each Fifteen (15) 4th Place Winners – $2,500 Each Students may take advantage of this wonderful opportunity by submitting a 300-word essay that answers the question: How Will Your College Education Help You To Make A Substantial Impact In Your Community? Please encourage interested students to complete the application and submit their essay online by clicking the button below by the deadline of March 19, 2021. VISIT SCHOLARSHIP WEBSITE Thank you for allowing Firstrust to fulfill our mission of cultivating prosperity in the community by assisting students in the region achieve their dreams of a college education. Sincerely, ![]() Richard J. Green, Trustee Daniel B. & Florence E. Green Foundation and Chairman and C.E.O. Firstrust Bank |