Selling Like A Marine (Lunch N Learn – Free Webinar)

Selling Like A Marine (Lunch N Learn – Webinar)
When: Monday Nov 18th 12pm-1pm
Register Here:

As we recently celebrated the Marine Corps Birthday and Veterans Day, for this webinar you will learn what makes a Marine great at selling. Marines are renowned for their toughness, courage and devastating effectiveness. They have swagger, confidence and a hardness with them for their entire life. Marines have the qualities you want and need in order to be successful in sales.

During this Lunch and Learn you will learn the importance of acting and behaving like a Marine when it comes to selling.

  • Courage: Courage is what allows you to remain calm while recognizing fear. Moral courage means that you have the guts to stand up for what is right and to accept blame when something is your fault.
  • Endurance: The mental and physical stamina measured by your ability to withstand pain, fatigue, stress, and hardship.
  • Knowledge: Knowledge means that you have acquired the necessary information and have a strong understanding of people and human nature.
  • Decisiveness: You and your team make good decisions without delay. You get all the facts, weigh them against each other, quickly arrive at a sound decision, and then act – calmly and quickly.
  • Integrity: You are honest and truthful in what you say and do. You put honesty, sense of duty, and sound moral principles above all else.
  • Bearing: Marines expect their leaders to act like, well, Marines. They always maintain their bearings and never lose their cool because they are always being observed. A Marine leader always acts as if they are in control.
  • Initiative: Instinctively, Marines act when required, even when they haven’t been given orders. They always take the hill.

In addition we will award a Veteran at no charge our “Justin Constantine Sales Training Scholarship” (1 year free sales training and coaching) at this end of this Webinar. If you are or know a Veteran apply HERE: