A huge thank you to ‘Vinnie’, Kerry and Chrissie for hosting the Round Table at NCC. The collective knowledge and brain power in the room was powerful to watch in action as the group discussed ways to ‘move the mountain’. Takeaways for me:
- Regular communication – you can’t change a culture if you don’t talk about it
- Making sure major goals are aligned, especially with all team leaders
- Different people need different communication avenues
- Challenge the groups to get involved
- Weed out those not on board
- Sometimes you just need to forge ahead….
Thanks, Keith, for sharing your weekly communication tool with the group and thanks to all of you who greatly helped Vince with his topic.
It was great to hear your goals for the New Year and, as always, it was such a pleasure to be with you all at our
“dysfunctional U table”.
Keep building; Keep sharing; Keep finding opportunities to help each other.