A shout out to Chris and Ryan La Penta. Earlier in the year we purchased a Bosch dishwasher and have been very pleased with it. We have had an ongoing issue with a Speed Queen dryer we had purchased from another appliance store 2 years ago. We contacted the original appliance store and their service was inadequate to say the least. Subsequently contacted the manufacturer directly who over the past 12 months have had two additional service companies look at our machine. Ryan and I were out to lunch a week ago and I shared the story with him. Within 24 hours he had spoken with the manufacturers local representative and within 48 hours they had escalated our situation having the original appliance store replace our dryer at no charge.
It’s not always what you know but who you know .
Thank you so much Ryan and Chris!
Marc Sinkow, Chief Sherpa, Synch-O LLC
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