Stay Connected

Communicating, sharing and collaborating with your BCA Family is more important than ever. Below are instructions on how to access and join the communication vehicles we’ve setup. We encourage you to use them daily so you can stay connected. If you’d prefer, you can also click here to send an email to BCA, and we will get everything setup for you.

BCA Member Portal (private)

The BCA Member Portal will always have the most up-to-date calendar of events, and contact information for your fellow members as well as important alerts. If you forgot your Member Portal login, click here.

BCA Blog (public)

Make sure you are signed up for our BCA Blog. If you do not get a daily email at 6:00AM, then you are not signed up for our blog alerts. Look to the right side of the screen 👉and click this button

BCA Facebook Group (private)

BCA has a private Facebook group, click here. If you are not already a member of the Facebook group, you must request to join. Click the “Join Group” button in the groups main menu to send a request to join the group. If you’d like to receive a request to join, click here.

BCA Slack Channel (private)

BCA has also setup a private Slack channel. You must be invited to join the Slack Channel. Click Here if you’d like to be invited.