Mary Pat will be running in the Philly Marathon this Sunday, November 23rd in honor of two loved ones. Please help support Mary Pat’s efforts Click Here to learn more, or donate to her fundraiser. Please forward this information along to others to help spread Mary Pat’s mission!
“As many of you know, Paul and Sara tragically lost their lives in the last couple of weeks and I am running this year’s Philadelphia Marathon in their memory. My goal is to raise $40,000 to permanently name and dedicate the West Garden of the Family House in Sara and Paul’s memory. The West Garden contains beautiful flowers in bloom and is a peaceful viewpoint for families staying at the Family House. All donations will support Gift of Life Family House in Philadelphia.”
“I became involved in the Gift of Life Family House after I donated my kidney to my younger sister six years ago. I was greatly affected by the families I met that were waiting for loved ones to receive life saving organs. Many of the families slept in the hospital in uncomfortable chairs or on the floor. As a current board member, I want to make sure the families are taken care of and help sustain the great mission of Gift of Life Family House.” -Mary Pat
Thank you to everyone for your support!