Support Urban Creators – CARE2 Fund

12th Street Catering has been partnering with USLI to feed to hospital workers. USLI has now shifted their focus to helping underserved communities. They are now partnering with Urban Creators, using their garden harvest to create meals for families in underserved communities. Please consider joining 12th Street Catering in supporting the Care2 Fund with a donation. See a letter from Urban Creators.

Dear Community Members,
As our country continues to struggle with racial inequalities and injustices, USLI is committed to promoting respect, equality and opportunity. Our Diversity and Inclusion team recently partnered with a Philadelphia-based organization, Urban Creators, where we truly have an opportunity to help make a difference.
Over the past 10 years, Urban Creators transformed a two-acre vacant lot in North Philadelphia into an urban farm and center for community arts and education. They are a grassroots collaborative, focused on building resilience and self-determination and effecting real change in Philadelphia neighborhoods. With the right support, Urban Creators’ efforts have unlimited potential and will encourage education, positively impact jobs, and continue to decrease crime. 
With our support, 12th Street Catering has been preparing 1,600 meals per week, made with fresh ingredients from the farm, and distributing them at mobile markets established by Urban Creators throughout North Philadelphia.
The CAREFund is now accepting donations from anyone who wants to support and grow this effort. All donations will assist Urban Creators in building a greenhouse, installing a water filtration system, as well as increasing the number of meals prepared and distributed by 12th Street Catering.
By donating through the CARE2 Fund, USLI will match your donation up to the first $25,000. We will accept donations until 5 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, September 11. If we reach $25,000 raised, USLI will donate an additional $25,000 in addition to the match. Any donation can make a true difference.
We have set up a PayPal account specifically for this fundraising effort so that the CARE2 Fund may receive your donations in a timely manner via credit card using our donation form.
As always, we thank you for your support and generosity. Please note that all donors will automatically receive a tax receipt via email after the initiative has concluded.
If you have any questions, please contact Sasha Moul, ext. 2263, or Meda Hannigan, at ext. 2279.