A big Thank You to Brandon and Heather Steiger for helping “Get Our Creative Juices Flowing” and sharing their great talents with us at the Synergema Roundtable on Wednesday. The Thinking Putty and lunch boxes were a huge hit. Everyone took away something valuable from the discussion on how to inspire experiences and help move the needle. From Dream Boards to War Rooms to going off the grid…everyone has a different ways to ‘get creative’ and the application of creativity is universal in everything we do. One of the best take aways was, “find 5 things you can’t do and find ways to do them”.

Pictured left to right: Paul Blake – Greater Media, Joleen Jaworski – BCA, Brandon Steiger – Synergema, Cheryl Bode – BCA, Phil Jaurigue – Sabre, Jim Doerr – Proshred, Cheryl Beth Kuchler – Ballantree, Nick Lanzi – Direct Choice, Heather Steiger – Synergema, Gene Grimaldi – OMNIA Architects, Joe Gaglioti – Joseph Anthony Spa & Salon
A big thank you also to Ryan Dugan, of AEC, for being our mystery guest and giving tours of his great facility.