It’s Still Anyone’s Race! Can You Help Kistler Tiffany Benefits/OneDigital Meet Their Digital Dash Fundraising Goal by Sunday?
Thank you to all BCA family members who have supported Digital Dash. To date, our team has raised $19,142.12 for three very deserving nonprofits – Autism Speaks, Back on My Feet, and Saint Martin de Porres.
Will you help us get to our goal of $20,000 by this SUNDAY (November 1)??
Here’s how to donate!
Click Here to visit our Digital Dash website. Donate any amount you can by hitting the donation button. Just make sure to select the NE Racers Team as the beneficiary or one of our team members. Did we mention we are competing against our colleagues across the country not only for bragging rights but to make the greatest IMPACT?
Please contact Lauren List, Communications Manager, OneDigital (formerly Kistler Tiffany Benefits) at (484) 321-5860 or