Town Hall IV

Thank you to those members who attended Town Hall IV. We rolled-out some exciting new initiatives, see below for more details. If you weren’t able to make it today or if you still have questions that went unanswered, please contact Joleen at anytime! If you have questions about any of the particular groups announced today, please contact their Chair/Group Leader.

  1. Annual Report- 2015 Recap
  2. New Initiatives

We rolled out two initiatives new to BCA in 2016. Both are another opportunity for members to get more engaged with BCA and fellow members.

A. Subcommittees

Subcommittees were formed under and report to the Board of Advisors. They are active committees, chaired by a member of the Board, comprised of members and focused on a matter related to BCA as an entity. Participation is completely voluntary. In 2016, BCA will have three official subcommittees. Click on the committee name below to learn more.

  1. Hospitality Subcommittee – Chair: Geoff Passehl
  2. Diversity Subcommittee – Chair: Chuck Polin
  3. Cultural Advantage Subcommittee – Chair: Wendy Monaco

B. Affinity Groups

Click here to learn more about Affinity Groups. 2016 will begin with two Affinity Groups officially recognized by BCA. Click on the Affinity Group name below to learn more.

  1. Real Estate Mastermind Group – Chair: Steve Jeffries
  2. PA Suburbs Peer Group – Chair: Ryan Dugan
  3. Open Discussion / Q & A with Individual Group Chairs

Click here to view the Town Hall IV Presentation- January 2016