Uber and BCA have partnered up to offer Gibbons March Madness Event ticket holders a complimentary ride on March 20. Please note this offer is only good for all NEW users of Uber. Uber, “everyone’s private driver”, allows you to order speedy town car service right from your personal phone via smart phone app or SMS service.
On behalf of BCA, enjoy 1 free Uber ride up to $20 to or from Hub Cira Centre with promotional code BCAMARCHMADNESS14. Promo can be entered in app by tapping the icon in the upper left hand corner or visiting the promotions page when you sign into Uber.com.
New to Uber? Here’s what to do!
1. Sign Up: Download the UBER app on your iPhone or Android device, or visit http://www.uber.com/go/BCAMARCHMADNESS14
2. Enter the Promo Code: BCAMARCHMADNESS14 during sign up
3. Request & Ride: Select your pick up location & tap Request Now